AVENTURA  selected projects


AVENTURA brings together varied personal praxes. We look at people, objects, and spaces as embedded in a collective learning process—there's no such thing as starting from scratch. 

We believe it is our responsibility to rethink what was given to us by resituating architectural and cultural traditions in a contemporary context. By addressing people’s specific needs, situated in particular places, we believe we can imbue spaces and objects with {social, political, economic, aesthetic, and spiritual} value beyond their instrumental purpose.  

We are invested in the practice of improvisational construction as a methodology for the intertwining of communities with their built environment. Self-construction serves as a pedagogical vehicle fostering agency and autonomy.

  1. Gambiarra. Make do with available materials or tools in a resourceful, improvised way.
  2. Affordance. Undress the object. Actively rebel against pre-designed functionality.
  3. Quickness. Act swiftly, but not in haste. It is preferable to remake than to overthink.
  4. Play. Approach construction as solemnly as a child playing.
  5. Constraint. A good problem is an antidote to preconceived ideas. Constraint drives design.
  6. The map is not the territory. The plan is essential, but so is the ability to deviate from it.
  7. Bricolage. Self-construction is the process where artifacts mirrors soul.
  8. Accretion. Contribute to what another has begun to add layers of meaning.
  9. Mutirão. Creation is the wealth of the community. Art is communal magic.
  10. Ecology. As beings immersed in an unbridled culture of consumption, it is imperative to not only avoid harming our society, but to contribute to its healing. Neutrality is insufficient.


Rafael ChvaicerRafael is a Brazilian architect, artist, and builder, who studied at FAU-USP. Aside from AVENTURA, he acts as project coordinator at Metro Arquitetos. In the past, he founded the architectural practices Neute Chvaicer, Despacho, and OPCAC. He has the joy of collaborating with the most amazing people, and wholeheartedly believes in working together to achieve greater goals.
Luca Isatto PariseLuca is an Italo-Brazilian artist raised in São Paulo and based in Berlin. He is a graduate of FEA-USP. Aside from AVENTURA, Luca founded projects between art and architecture, including Nail on Wall and OPCAC. Since 2011, Luca produces art that has received awards and been exhibited both individually and collectively in Brazil and abroad, in addition to features in publications.
Ana Molhallem Ana is a Brazilian creative strategist, professional Wikipedia surfer and proud electrician. She has collaborated on projects for brands like KitKat, Coca-Cola and iFood, and founded the creative workshop Galapagos. Aside from AVENTURA, she was a founding member of OPCAC.

Cristóbal Sciutto RodríguezCristóbal is from the Americas, broadly, but based in São Paulo. He studied computer science, among other liberal arts, at Stanford University. He designs and maintains interactive audiovisual systems, some as staff at Reduct. In his art practice and as a member of AVENTURA, he is interested in the relational fields formed between urban life and improvisational practices.